Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas 2008

Matt is taking MeMaw home after the Kilgore Family Party.

This is MeMaw wearing Matt's ORANGE Texas Shirt. It was really cold and Matt was so thoughtful he gave MeMaw his shirt to keep her warm during the trip home. Thanks Matt!

MeMaw enjoying the Kilgore Party.

Lex and MeMaw having a Christmas chat.

KP, Cindy, Patty, MM and Granny

Raymond, Lupe, Stephen and Allen Shane

Travis and Ali

Allen Shane and Valarie

Sandi, KP, Cindy and Patty

Sandi----Got YA!!!

Allen Shane, Channing, Jonathan and Valarie

Brother and Sister

This isn't a very good picture but Mylynka is holding Cody's little darling, Presley.

Girls on the Hill side....

Mylynka and Lupe. Since this night....Mylynka has a huge rock on her left hand....Congratulations you two.

MeMaw and Kristi

Taylor, Jonathan and Channing

Granny and her Great Grand Kids

Granny and her Grand Kids

New Friends-Presley and Ginolobi

Daimen and Claire

Cody and Presly

Granny, Claire and Presley

Memaw and Cindy

Just hanging out.

1 comment:

Matt and Cindy Fleharty said...

Oh yeah! Matt needs an ornament too!!!