pictures by maryidakilgore
Raymond and I went to Holly Lake this week and saw these beautiful plants gorwing all over the place.There were several behind our cabin so I took some pictures.
They are American Beauty Berry:
American be...autyberry grows in rich woods and thickets in East Texas, especially in the coastal plain pinelands. It has small, unspectacular greenish-white flowers in early summer, but they are followed by clusters of beautiful purple berries clinging to the branches in late summer. American beautyberry is best suited to semi-shaded sites with some moisture. It can tolerate full sun if given supplemental watering, and can tolerate some drought, but does not do well on thin, rocky soils. Otherwise it is remarkably tolerant of various soils and habitats. It has long, arching branches, and if they are pruned by half in the winter it will be more compact. C. americana var. lactea is a white-berried variety that will come true from seed. The seeds are a favorite of many species of birds and other wildlife, so much so that they can disappear in a matter of days.
Plant Habit or Use: medium shrub
Exposure: partial sun
Of course I got this information from the TX A&M Ag web site ;0)