Cindy and Matt to a vacation to NAPA Valley where they stayed in a lovely B&B. They went on a hot air balloon ride. (Ross from Friends the TV show was on the balloon right before them.) They enjoyed a train ride and went to many vineyards and tasted a lot of different wines. They then went to Minnesota to one of Matt’s cousin’s weddings.
After their trip they picked me up at the Lubbock airport on their way home to Hobbs.
This was my first plane ride in almost 30 years. It was so much fun. I was just like a little kid on an adventure. That night Matt cooked BBX salmon it was very good YUMMY !!!
They bought some wine in NAPA Valley that they thought that I would enjoy and I did.
Sunday Cindy made pancakes. They were really good…..Cindy added brown sugar to the mix and what a difference it made. YUMMY!! So far the food has been great.
Monday, Cindy had to go to a meeting at school and Matt was at work so I laid around and read, took some pictures of the roses in their backyard and some of squirt the turtle who has taken up residence there. Later Cindy and I went to a tearoom for lunch where we saw the parents of someone Matt works with.
Later we went shopping in the Hobbs Mall. I found some things for my mom that I had been looking for ----for years….
That night Matt, Cindy and I went to check out the casino. We each lost a quarter and left. I took some pictures of them in front of the water fountain there.
Tues. Cindy and I worked on her living room curtain/drapes. She bought beautiful silk material.
I had a wonderful time and can’t wait to see them again soon.